© 2021 Lawrence Tuczynski

All info and images courtesy of Reed Grele

Title "Mothra Song The Best" Promotion Disc
Japanese Title Mosura
CD Label King Records
CD Number 8DCH-98102
Music by: The Peanuts (and others)
Number of tracks 1
Running time 4:36
Number of discs 1
Year of release/manufacture November 27, 1998


February 28, 2021

This "NOT FOR SALE" CD Single promotional disc has only one track. It is the same as track #8 (Mothra Metal, Isao Bito & The Peanuts) on "Mothra Song The Best" KICS-708 released in 1998.

It was apparently given out as a sample to either radio stations or record stores in Japan to promote the upcoming release of the full CD. I have searched everywhere that I can think of on-line and cannot find another or even a mention of it. Therefore, I assume that it must be very rare.

The 4 minute 36 second track starts with 44 seconds of unfamiliar heavy metal style instrumental music which then continues with the more familiar Mothra song lyrics sung by the 2 Peanuts but with a more modern sounding background musical accompaniment.

"Mothra Song The Best" Promotion Disc

  1. Mothra's Song