© 2007 Lawrence Tuczynski

Title: GOUKAI Na Meteor Kick
[Tohru Fuyuki Anthology]
CD Label: BKM
CD Number: G.R.F.021
Music by: Tohru Fuyuki
Music Performed by: Bukimisha Weird Secret Society
Takeo Yahiro & Friends
Number of tracks: 45 (36 listed, 9 hidden)
Running time: 73:34
Number of discs: 1
Year of release/manufacture: August 17, 2007


Review coming at a later date

This particular CD focuses on the many incarnations of Ultraman much like the earlier GOUKAI NA NEBULA M78 (Tohru Fuyuki Anthology) (G.R.F. 018) also on this site.

Bukimisha CDs are available to non-Japanese buyers through BOOTH (The International Indie Art Marketplace) by using a proxy service or other intermediary: https://bukimisya-maal.booth.pm/

GOUKAI Na Meteor Kick
[Tohru Fuyuki Anthology]

01 - 06 SEVEN PINCH! 07 - 11 JACK PINCH! 12 - 15 MIRRORMAN PINCH! 16 - 19 ACE PINCH! 20 - 22 FIREMAN PINCH! 23 - 25 LEO PINCH! 26 - 27 JOE PINCH! 28 - 30 EIGHTY PINCH! 31 - 32 NEOS PINCH! 33 - 36 COSMOS PINCH! 37 - 45 Unknown