© 2008 Lawrence Tuczynski

Title Tetsujin 28 Go - Original Soundtrack (Gigantor)
CD Label King Record Co., Ltd.
CD Number KICA-834
Music by: Akira Ifukube
Music Conducted by: Junichi Hiriokami
Music Performed by: Japan Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Number of tracks 16
Running time 72:42
Number of discs 1
Year of release/manufacture February 28, 2007


March 24, 2008

Most of the music on this disc has been released before and is based on the ballet "Salome". Some of this music can be heard on other discs on this site such as on Akira Ifukube - Dance of the Seven Veils, A Ballet based on 'Salome' (CMCD-28096). Why "Salome" music is part of the soundtrack to a Gigantor movie is beyond me and having never seen the animated film have no idea how well it works with the film. However the music itself on this disc is very good and worth a listen. It's very classical sounding with a combination of very fast, upbeat musical inerludes mixed with slower thought provoking pieces.

Tetsujin 28 Go - Original Soundtrack

    Japanese Rhapsody (1935)

  1. I. Nocturne
  2. II. Fete
  3. Triptyque Aborigene (1937)

  4. II. TIMBE nom regional
  5. Ballata Sinfonica (1943)

  6. Seconda Ballata: Andante rapsodica
  7. Sinfonica Tapkaara (1954/79)

  8. I. 1st Mov: Lento molto-Allegro
  9. Japanese Suite (1933/91)

  10. II. Tanabata, Fete of Vega
  11. Ballet "SALOME" (1948/87)

  12. Prelude
  13. SCENE - A great terrace in the Palace of Herod
  14. Enter Herod, Herodias, and all the court
    Herod: Where is Salome? Where is Salome?
  15. Herod looks all the while at Salome
  16. Heros, Salome, Herodias II
  17. Salome: I am waiting until slaves bring perfumes to me and the seven veils, and take from off my feet my sandals.
    (Slaves bring perfumes and the seven veils, and take off the sandals of Salome.)
  18. Prelude Du Soldat (1944)
  19. Proceed Taro Akira (Roppongi male choir)
  20. Gigantor (Roppongi male choir)
  21. Your wealth (Hatiroo Kasuga)(1954)