© 2020 Lawrence Tuczynski

All info courtesy of Sam Scali

Title: The Artistry of Akira Ifukube 10 - RIN
Music Composed by: Akira Ifukube (1914-2006)
CD Label: King Record Co., Ltd.
CD Number: KICC 1153
Music Performed by: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ken Takaseki
Recording Date and Venue: May 6th, 2014 at Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall and May 30th and 31st, 2014
at Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara
Number of tracks: 8
Running time: 56:28
Number of discs: 1
Year of release/manufacture: October 22, 2014


June 04, 2020

Studio recordings of orchestral works.

No review at this time.

The Artistry of Akira Ifukube 10 - RIN

    Symphonic Poem "Arctic Forest" (1945)

  1. 1st Movement: Andante, Tranquillo
  2. 2nd Movement: Moderato, Pastorale
  3. 3rd Movement: Allegro, Rapsodico

  5. I. Nocturne
  6. II. Fète

  8. I Payses Tempo di JIMKUU
  9. II TIMBRE nom regional
  10. III PAKKAI Chant d'AINO