© 2003 Lawrence Tuczynski

Title Akira Ifukube: Buddha
CD Label Futureland
CD Number LD32-5105
Music by: Akira Ifukube
Number of tracks 4
Running time 60:24
Number of discs 1
Year of release/manufacture July 4,1990


February 11, 2003 Courtesy of Sam Scali

Akira Ifukube: Buddha (LD32-5105) - Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kazuhiko Komatsu, April 8th, 1989

Though this CD begins with a rendition of the popular, Godzilla-inspired "Symphonic Fantasia", the main event is a performance of one of Akira Ifukube's most important works, "Gotama the Buddha". The origins of this composition can be traced back to Ifukube's 1953 ballet, "Buddha", which he later used as the basis for his score for the 1961 Daiei film of the same name. The master tapes of that soundtrack, as well as Ifukube's original score were lost, but years later the maestro reconstructed the work for this 1989 performance. Though extremely hard-to-find in its Japanese edition, a more common French import (DSA-54024 - reviewed elsewhere on this website) was released the same year with slightly different packaging.

English Title: Akira Ifukube: Buddha
by Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kazuhiko Komatsu

Translations courtesy of Jolyon Yates

  2. SYMPHONIC ODE 'SHAKA' (1988-1989)
    GOTAMA THE BUDDHA in Pali Language
    Prince Gotama / Gautama was born c563 to the King of Sakya in what is now northern India, hence his other name 'Sakyamuni' (Sage of Sakya). On achieving enlightenment he became known as 'Buddha' (Awakened One).

    1st Movement: Siddhartha in Kapi Lavastu
    Kapila-Vastu is the capital city of King Suddhodana, father of Gotama.
    Siddhartha is another name for Buddha, meaning
    'one who has achieved their purpose'.

  3. 2nd Movement: Meditation of Bodh Gaya
  4. 3rd Movement: Shuge (Ode of Acintiya Buddha)

Composed by Ifukube Akira

Conducted by Komatsu Kazuhiko
Performed by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
'Shaka': Choir conducted by Gunji Hiroshi
Choir: Tokyo Oratorical Research Society